Category: Michigan

Post Rehab Tips for Your Parent

hands on a walker

You’ve been through the hospitalization process and the transition to rehab with your loved one. You’ve helped your parent navigate their recovery journey, and now they’re back on their feet and ready to return home. So now what? What Comes After Senior Living Rehab? If you’re wondering what comes after your parent is discharged from… Read more »

Open Enrollment: Who, What, Why and How

hands holding wooden cutouts of medical equipment and a stick person

Many find that working your way through the Medicare Open Enrollment process for the first time can be very daunting! Seniors are bombarded with information by mail and even on television commercials but what information is actually necessary for open enrollment? Here’s a quick overview of what you should know to help make the most… Read more »

Staying Connected in a Physical Rehab Center

seniors reading books smiling

During your stay in a post-hospital rehabilitation center, you may find it challenging to keep in touch with your friends and family. To keep your spirits up and your crowd of well-wishers informed, we have some unique ways to communicate with your loved ones while you’re in rehab we’d like to share. Unique, Easy Ways to… Read more »

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab

senior using medical equipment for rehab

I have a question about inpatient rehab versus outpatient rehab. My husband recently came down with a bad case of pneumonia. He had to be hospitalized and while he’s making progress, he’s not yet back to his old strength. When he stands, I’m worried he’ll fall because he’s still a little shaky. His doctor wants… Read more »

Open Enrollment: Who, What, Why and How

hands holding wooden cutouts of medical equipment and a stick person

Many find that working your way through the Medicare Open Enrollment process for the first time can be very daunting! Seniors are bombarded with information by mail and even on television commercials but what information is actually necessary for open enrollment? Here’s a quick overview of what you should know to help make the most… Read more »

Top 10 Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

image of man falling on snow

Being a family caregiver during frosty northern winters can be especially challenging. From power outages to slip and fall accidents on black ice, being prepared is key. Here are our top ten suggestions: Preparing for Winter Emergency Kit: Ice and snow storms can keep individuals stuck indoors for several days in a row. Make sure to… Read more »

Vitamin C Benefits for Seniors

image of oranges, limes and lemons

Vitamin C is typically associated with cold and flu season because it aides the body in fighting viruses. But it does so much more than just prevent colds, it’s also an essential nutrient in living and aging. Health Benefits Continued research shows evidence that vitamin C may help lower blood pressure as well as potential… Read more »