Falls among seniors continues to be the leading cause of disability in older adults, and one of the top ten reasons seniors end up in the emergency department of a local hospital. Here are a few fall prevention tips to help prevent your senior loved ones from falling this winter.
Preventing Falls for Seniors
- First things first, ensure they have proper footwear – boots and shoes with good tread so they can get traction on snowy sidewalks and drives.
- Enlist the help of a snow removal company to keep their sidewalks and driveway cleared if you aren’t able to. It’s dangerous for older adults to try to manage this task on their own.
- Consider investing in a treadmill for them to use on days when the weather is just too bad. Walking is a great way to age successfully, but Midwest winters often make doing so outdoors more challenging.
- Take time to review their medication list for side effects that might cause dizziness. It is an often overlooked cause of falls among seniors.
Have a plan in place for helping to get their groceries, as well as for getting any trash taken out before the worst of the snow flies. Doing so will allow them to stay safe inside their home when the winter winds blow.
It may also be helpful to speak with their primary care physician about ordering a home safety assessment and balance test. A physical therapist can conduct both of these to identify any potential problems.