One of the biggest struggles I’ve had since growing “older” is maintaining my energy level. I just can’t do everything I want to in a day. Now that I’m retired and finally have time to pursue my hobbies, I’m just too tired most days.
I think getting more exercise might help. But I’m not sure what types of exercise might be best. I’m really hoping to overcome this feeling of being tired all of the time!
Do you have any advice?
Great question! And it sounds like you already know that exercise may be the answer. We are fortunate to have many options for older adults to participate in.
If you are looking for exercise programs that also help you get out into the community and connect with other seniors, here are a few suggestions:
- Many local fitness clubs have programs just for seniors. They range from water aerobics to Pilates.
- Check with your insurance provider to see if you are eligible for a Silver Sneakers membership. If you are, these classes take place at YMCAs and other fitness clubs.
- Local senior centers and churches also offer senior wellness activities. Most are free or have a minimal fee. Classes typically include Body Recall, Chair Yoga, and stretching.
- Some area shopping malls also have groups of seniors that walk early in the morning before the stores open. Call the mall nearest you to see if there are any opportunities for you there.
When the weather is bad or if you prefer to exercise in the privacy of your own home, here are a few forms of exercise to consider:
- Purchase a Nintendo gaming system. In addition to Nintendo Sports or Ring Fitness, you can also enjoy of variety of programs that get your heart pumping such as golf, tennis and dancing. An added bonus is it will provide you with a fun activity to do when the grandkids visit!
- Exercise DVDs are another good avenue for getting fit. You can practice Tai Chi, Yoga, Low-Impact Aerobics, Pilates and more in the privacy of your own living room.
Don’t overlook using household chores to get a little extra cardio in. Turn on your favorite music and get moving while you clean!
We hope these suggestions help you find a fitness program you will enjoy and that will help you increase your energy level.